Aminata Koroma

After two years of study, Aminata Koroma, age 27, received her Certificate of Merit in Tailoring and Dressmaking from our own Skill Training in Tailoring Program.  Last October Aminata accepted a one-month job from a local NGO, the Welfare Society for the Disabled (WESOFOD), as a paid trainer for ten disabled youths learning to produce hand bags and belt bags.  The youngsters live at the WESOFOD Home for the Disabled. Most of them are from the last generation affected by polio before it was eradicated in Sierra Leone

We hope that these skills will allow these trainees to earn some money by making attractive bags, a popular product in Sierra Leone.  Africa Surgery also provided WESOFOD with a hand-powered sewing machine and 12 wheelchairs, part of the donation of 70 wheelchairs from our sister organization Africa Surgery Netherlands.