Joel E. Mansaray was born about six-years ago to a strong and hard-working woman who is continuously filling and hauling five-gallon containers of water for her neighbors at no cost. While she works, Joel is taken care of by his maternal uncle who is also working to support several members of his extended family.

Joel posed for this photo wearing his primary school uniform during the 2018-19 school year. We hope to be able to find a sponsor for Joel to help us send him to school again this September.
Through the ASI Student Sponsorship Program, Africa Surgery is helping to educate 132 students. However, many of these students remain without their own sponsor and might have to be dropped from this program as result. It costs $200 per year to provide a student in need with school uniforms, shoes, school bag, books, and other supplies and costs.
Each time I return from my visits to Sierra Leone I bring thank-you letters, written by each student to their sponsor, and photos of each student, which are then sent to each sponsor personally by me.