Her father is dead and her mother left her, to work in an up-country village. Adamsay Bangura lives with her grandmother in a market town called Waterloo, not far from Freetown. At age 6, Adamsay’s spine fractured from a tuberculosis infection, leaving her unable walk, and even to crawl. In November 2015 she was brought to our team and put on a six-month daily regimen of anti-TB medications, administered by a nearby health clinic. By January, as the pressure on her spinal cord diminished, Adamsay regained the ability to crawl on her hands and feet. By March 2016, Adamsay began to walk on her two feet, while supporting her body with both hands and knees. Adamsay could be relieved from pain and from the risk of becoming paralyzed again, but she will need to fly to Ghana for surgery at the FOCOS hospital. Africa Surgery needs to raise $11,000, to cover hospital and travel expenses. Can anyone help?