Africa Surgery currently has ten children in Ghana, nine from Sierra Leone, and one from Tanzania. Eight have undergone major spinal surgery by a team from FOCOS; two are still in traction awaiting surgery.
On November 30, after completing surgical work in Ghana, the founding director of FOCOS, Dr. Ohenba Boachie-Adjei, and two other medical professionals, visited Sierra Leone. During four days of clinics the small team checked 35 post-operative spinal surgery patients and assessed 106 new candidates for spinal surgery and six cases for hip-replacement surgery. Of the 106 new cases, 27, mostly children, need spinal surgery urgently and should go to Ghana by January, while 54 will need surgery within the next year or two.
Also in January, we hope to be able to send two or three for hip-replacement surgery.
Click here to learn more about Dr. Boachie’s trip to Sierra Leone and Ghana.
Tom Johnson, Jr.